Just 3 Weeks Left Until Christmas Break!!!
Notes for the week...
** The Student Environmental Council will be meeting this Tuesday
morning at 7:15 in the Information Center. Luciana Nunez and Ninel Cevallos will be representing our class and will be showing the recycling and cleanup posters we have created for the cafeteria which will go up later this week.
morning at 7:15 in the Information Center. Luciana Nunez and Ninel Cevallos will be representing our class and will be showing the recycling and cleanup posters we have created for the cafeteria which will go up later this week.
This week in class...
Language Arts

In Writing, we will continue to make progress on our Recess Safety Public Service Announcements by using storyboarding to plan out what scenes to shoot. Then the recording will begin!

This week we will continue to practice division. We will be working principally with the standard algorithm, although we will refer back to other division and multiplication strategies which help us understand this operation.
If your child has not completed their multiplication XtraMath yet, please be certain that they are working on this each day. These foundational skills will be paramount to their success in middle and high school. Our Math homework this week will help the students review the skills we practiced with multiplying decimals. Later in the week we will touch on this theme with division.
If your child has not completed their multiplication XtraMath yet, please be certain that they are working on this each day. These foundational skills will be paramount to their success in middle and high school. Our Math homework this week will help the students review the skills we practiced with multiplying decimals. Later in the week we will touch on this theme with division.
Our recycling and cleanup posters will be going up this week in the cafeteria! Luciana and Ninel will be presenting them to the other Environmental Ambassadors in the Student Environmental Council and to Mr. Davis and Ms. Cristiana.We will begin a new Science unit this week about water! We will have several activities and a simple experiment as we review evaporation and condensation. We will also be talking about the difference between salt water and fresh water, and where they can be found on Earth.
Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have any
Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew