Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1 - 5

Welcome back to another great week in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...

** This Friday, April 5, we will have our Elementary and Early Childhood Science Fair.  Students will be visiting the Early Childhood Science Projects 10:50-12:20, and then will begin presenting their own projects at 1:20.  Parents are welcome to come, but must not be present during judging. We will pack things up at 2:30 and have our final awards presentation at 2:45.

** Third quarter report cards were sent home the Friday before last.  Please sign and return the envelope to school as soon as possible.  Thanks!

This week in class...

Language Arts

In Reading, we will continue with our Book Club routines.  We will have last week's Book Club Meeting on Tuesday, and then the following meeting on the following Tuesday. 

In Language Arts and Writing we will be finishing up display boards and practicing our oral presentations for the Science Fair this Friday, April 5.  


We will take a short quiz to measure our understanding of solving simple equations and solving operations involving negative numbers. We will also begin our next unit on geometry. Students, please be sure to watch the MathAntics videos to prepare for our new unit.

Monday: One lesson, complete the digital Greece & Rome study guide
Tuesday: One lesson, complete the test prep study guide for Greece & Rome
Wednesday: One lesson, watch the Kahn Academy video above
Thursday: One lesson, take the Google Forms Greece & Rome Unit Test
Friday: Relax!


We will spend Science periods this week finishing up preparations for our Science Fair on Friday.  We hope to see you there!

Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 25-29

Welcome back to another great week in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...

**Wednesday we will have our class presentation on the Greeks and Romans! Parents we would love for you to attend! We will be presenting at 8:15 and 8:45 in the morning.

** This Friday, March 29th is a Half Day. Classes will dismiss at 11:45am.

** Third quarter report cards were sent home last Friday.  Please sign and return the envelope to school as soon as possible.  Thanks!

This week in class...

Language Arts

In Reading, we will continue with our Book Club routines.  Students will read the pages they chose for the next meeting, summarizing and responding after each day.  We will move our Book Club meeting this week to next Monday in order to give students extra time to prepare this week, due to some shorter class periods last week and this week. 

In Language Arts and Writing we will be finishing our final conclusion paragraphs, along with revising and publishing our data and observations from our decomposition science projects, in order to begin putting together our display boards for the Science Fair on April 5.  


We will continue exploring the introductory concepts of algebra this week. In particular, we will be looking at integers and negative numbers, and practice graphing equations.

Monday: One lesson, watch the MathAntics Videos above, Math IXL V.7
Tuesday: One lesson, Math IXL V.8
Wednesday: One lesson, Math IXL U.1 and U.2
Thursday: One lesson, Math IXL U.3
Friday: Relax!

Social Studies
Image result for greeks and romans

This week we will practice one last time as we prepare for our final presentation on the Greek and Roman Civilizations. Parents, we would love to have you come Wednesday at either 8:15 or 8:45 am in the morning to see all of the kids' hard work.

Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have
any questions.

Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew

Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 18-22

Welcome back to another week of growth in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...

** This Friday, March 22 is a Half Day. Classes will dismiss at 11:45am.

**For the next few weeks, we will be using personal electronic devices regularly in class for Language Arts, Reading, and Math.  Please allow your child to bring his/her tablet or laptop to school. We will be using the applications Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides, so please ensure that these apps have been installed on your child's device.  We use these apps throughout the year for many different projects!

This week in class...

Language Arts

We will continue reading, summarizing, and responding to our Book Club books to prepare for the next meeting on Thursday.  We will also be finishing up our conclusions for our Science Fair projects and continue with analyzing poetry.  In addition, we will study the Greek and Latin prefixes mono, bi/di, tri, quat/quad, quint/penta.


We finished up our unit on fractions last week. The kids did a great job on their final test for this unit. We will continue to practice many of these skills along with using the basic operations to solve more complex levels of mathematics. It is very exciting to know that the students are very strong in these skills which will be fundamental for the rest of their academic career. Great work everyone! This week we will begin a short introductory unit on algebraic equations and graphing.

Monday: One lesson, watch the MathAntics Videos above
Tuesday: One lesson, Math IXL V.3
Wednesday: One lesson, Math IXL V.1
Thursday: One lesson, Math IXL V.5 and V.9
Friday: Relax!

Social Studies

Image result for greek theatre

This week we will finish creating our props and script, and begin rehearsing for our final presentation of our living museum. Students should complete their independent research of the Greeks and Romans by the end of the week if they have not yet. Our final performance will be next week. Stay tuned for the exact date and time. :)

Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have
any questions.

Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew

Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11-15

Welcome back to another week of growth in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...

** There will be no school this Friday, March 15, for Spring Break.  Classes will resume next Monday, March 18.

**For the next few weeks, we will be using personal electronic devices regularly in class for Language Arts, Reading, and Math.  Please allow your child to bring his/her tablet or laptop to school. We will be using the applications Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides, so please ensure that these apps have been installed on your child's device.  We use these apps throughout the year for many different projects!

This week in class...

Language Arts

Last week, students chose the books they wanted to read for their Book Club and began preparing for their first book club meeting.  Students will continue reading, reflecting, and preparing this week for their meeting on Thursday. We will also continue exploring poetry through reading and writing.


This week we will continue to learn about ratios, rates, and percentages. We will have a short quiz to demonstrate what we have learned about these topics.

Monday: One lesson, watch the MathAntics Videos above, Math IXL Q.3
Tuesday: One lesson, Math IXL Q.5
Wednesday: One lesson, Math IXL R.1
Thursday: One lesson
Friday: Relax!

Social Studies

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This week we will begin writing our script for our final living museum presentation. Students will be working in small groups to write the script and also begin to create props for the presentation. Students should independently complete their research for both civilizations if they have not done so yet.

Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have
any questions.

Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew

Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 4-8

Welcome back to another week of growth in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...

** Just a reminder: This Friday at 5:30 p.m. the DPTO is putting on Bingo! Be sure to get your tickets with Ms. Gaby if you have not done so yet. This is sure to be another awesome Discovery event!

** This week at morning and lunch recess the 2nd graders will be selling karate pops for L10 to help raise money for the school's new recycling containers. What a great way to beat the heat and support our school!

**For the next few weeks, we will be using personal electronic devices regularly in class for Language Arts, Reading, and Math.  Please allow your child to bring his/her tablet or laptop to school. We will be using the applications Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Slides, so please ensure that these apps have been installed on your child's device.  We use these apps throughout the year for many different projects!

This week in class...

Language Arts
This week students will get started with Book Clubs, in which they will choose the book they will read for the next four weeks and meet weekly with other students reading the same book to discuss and reflect upon their reading.  We will begin a unit on reading, interpreting, and writing poetry, and we'll be studying words with the roots cycl, sequ, pop, less, and hexa with a quiz on Friday.


Last week we began talking about how fractions relate to decimals and vice versa. This week we will broaden our discussion and exploration of this topic. We will be working together to convert a variety of common fractions into decimals and practice using this strategy for any fraction. We will also learn about ratios and percentages.

Monday: One lesson, watch the two MathAntics Videos above, Math IXL G.2
Tuesday: One lesson, Math IXL G.12
Wednesday: One lesson, Math IXL G.17
Thursday: One lesson, Math IXL Q.1
Friday: Relax!

Social Studies

Image result for socrates plato aristotle

This week the students will switch from learning about either the Greeks or Romans to the other civilization. Students will continue to work with Mr. Andrew to write brief summaries about each aspect of these civilizations societies. Next week we will begin brainstorming and preparing for our final living museum presentation! :)

Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have
any questions.

Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew