Notes for the week...
** As part of the school-wide Independence Day celebration on Thursday, September 13, we will be having our traditional "Honduran Breakfast" at 8:00am. If you have not signed up to bring a breakfast item, please do so at the following link: Grade 5 Desayuno Catracho Sign-Up
** This Thursday, September 13, will be an early dismissal at 11:45. There will be no school on Friday and Monday, September 14 and 17.
** All students have had the chance to practice logging into Engrade, and they are now expected to log-in regularly to check their grades. If you did not receive the parent letter regarding creating your parent account, please let us know so that we can get the information to you.
** If students are unable to complete homework due to internet connectivity problems or technical issues, we ask parents to please send the homeroom teacher a text, email, or note to verify this. Thank you!
This week in class...
Language Arts

This week in Math class we will be reviewing several of the concepts and skills we have studied in our unit on Place Value. We will be reviewing the forms of representation, place value, adding and subtracting decimals, and rounding and estimating. We will have our test next week.
Social Studies
Monday: One lesson, IXL Math H.2 - Subtract Decimals
Tuesday: One lesson, IXL Math H.3 - Add and Subtract Decimals
Tuesday: One lesson, IXL Math H.3 - Add and Subtract Decimals
Social Studies
This week in Social Studies class we will finish our Geography unit and students will present their Tour Guide projects. We will have a final review in class for our final Google Forms quiz which students will complete at home.
Thank you for all of your support, parents! Please feel free to email us if you have any
Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew
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