Friday, April 26, 2019

April 29- May 3

Welcome back to another week of learning and growth in Grade 5!

Notes for the week...
** There will be no classes this Wednesday, May 1, to honor Honduran Labor Day.  Classes will resume on Thursday, May 2.

** SPRING GENERAL ASSEMBLY - The summons for the Spring General Assembly will take place at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 11. A quorum for this assembly is needed for the approval of the 2019-2020 School Budget. Please mark your calendar and support the Board of Directors and the school by attending this assembly and voting for the important matters that will be presented then. 

** Parents please mark your calendars for 10:15 a.m. on Friday, May 24. Because of the great success last year, we are once again turning our Discovery Idol into a SPRING CONCERT where our students will showcase their advances in Music Class. We hope to see you all there!

This week in class...

Language Arts

In Reading, we have extended our Book Club projects, and students will present their final projects this Tuesday. Then we will begin building background about the causes and effects of migration, which will be a central theme in our next guided reading novel, Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan.

In Language Arts we will be reviewing the Greek and Latin roots we have learned so far and will have a quiz on Friday over the meanings of the roots. Students will be completing a study sheet to use if they need to practice at home.  We will also be learning about using quotation marks or underlining in order to punctuate titles.


The kids have done a great job learning about new ways to solve for the area of familiar shapes. Everyone did an excellent job on our short pop quiz last Friday. This week we will be practicing solving the area of circles and then reviewing three-dimensional shapes. You may want to watch the video above if you are having trouble remembering each type of 3D figure. We will have a challenging activity Tuesday and Thursday involving making nets for an unusual object. 

Monday: One lesson, Math IXL EE.2 and EE.5
Tuesday: One lesson, Math IXL DD.1 and DD.2
Wednesday: Relax!
Thursday: One lesson, Math IXL DD.5
Friday: Relax!


This week we'll be investigating the planets in our solar system and the earth's place within it, as well as the distances between them.  We'll also be inquiring about the differences in gravity on different planets.

Have a great week, and thank you for your support!
Ms. Amy and Mr. Andrew

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